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Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016

Download Ao Hare Ride Live Action Subtitle Indonesia Direct Download Link ( J-DRAMA)


Ao Haru Ride / Aoharaido menceritakan kisah yang berpusat pada tokoh utama wanita Yoshioka Futaba. Saat SMP Futaba menyukai teman satu SMP-nya bernama Tanaka Kou. Mereka berdua sempat bertemu di sebuah kuil saat berlindung dari hujan sepulang sekolah. Futaba biasanya tidak suka pada ank laki-laki, tapi menurutnya Kou berbeda dari lelaki lain. Dan Kou juga terlihat menyukai Futaba. Mereka berdua menikmati hubungan hanya dengan saling memandang tapi tidak berbicara, padahal jelas getaran hati mereka sama. Hubungan aneh mereka terus berlanjut sampai suatu hari di musim panas, mereka berjanji akan melihat festival bersama. Tapi di hari yang dijanjikan, Kou tidak datang, padahal Futaba menunggu sangat lama. Futaba merasa bersalah karena dihari sebelum liburan, ia sempat bicara kalau ia tidak suka pada anak laki-laki, dan hal itu di dengar oleh Kou.

Synopsis :

Ao Haru Ride / Aoharaido tells the story centered on the heroine Yoshioka Futaba. When SMP Futaba liked his junior teammates named Tanaka Kou. They both had met in a temple when the shelter from the rain after school. Futaba ank usually do not like the man, but he Kou different from other men. And Kou also looks like Futaba. They both enjoy the relationship just by looking at each other but did not speak, when it is clear they are the same thrill. Their bizarre relationship continued until one day in the summer, they promised to see the festival together. But the promised day, Kou did not come, but Futaba wait very long. Futaba feel guilty on the day before the holiday, he could speak if he did not like the boys, and it was heard by Kou.

Link Download : Click here

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