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- Biodata Sieghart
Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016
1 Job: Gladiator - Skill Tree
2 Job: Warlord
3 Job: Ares
4 Job: Prime Knight
Info Utama
Nama : Aeknard Sieghart (Korean: Erknard Zieghart)
Umur: Sekitar 600 tahun
Sieghart adalah seorang master Gladiator dari Kanavan panjang, sejak lama. Namanya legendaris dan prestasi dalam pertempuran telah diceritakan dalam buku-buku sejarah. Pada suatu waktu, dia sendiri staved dari serangan dari 100 goblin , sebuah kisah yang diceritakan untuk anak-anak bahkan desa terkecil. Dia menolak semua judul dan penghargaan diberikan kepada dia oleh kaum bangsawan dan meninggalkan ksatria untuk mencari tujuan sendiri. Sementara di perjalanan, ia datang atas reruntuhan sebuah kota kuno dan menghilang. Setelah satu tahun berlalu, ia sudah mati dan seluruh kerajaan berduka atas meninggalnya pahlawan legendaris.
Ratusan tahun telah berlalu, dan rumor dari seorang ksatria baru yang muncul di Kekaisaran Bermesiah menyebar di seluruh benua. Orang itu mengaku sebagai pahlawan yang telah lama hilang, Sieghart, dan disajikan dirinya di ibukota Kanavan.
Sementara perjalanan melalui peninggalan kuno dari kerajaan lama-pergi, ia diserang oleh setan besar dan dimasukkan ke dalam keadaan hampir mati. Melihat negara-nya, Highlander dewa dihidupkan kembali dia dan melatihnya dengan prajurit mereka membuatnya abadi. Dia kini meninggalkan untuk bergabung dengan Chase Grand.
Sebagai Ascendant dan para pengikutnya yang jahat serangan itu Kekaisaran Bermesiah, tekadnya lebih kuat daripada sebelumnya.
Sieghart was a master Gladiator of Kanavan long, long time. His name is legendary and achievements in the battle has been told in the history books. At one time, he alone staved off attacks from 100 goblins, a story told to children and even the smallest village. He refused all titles and awards are given to him by the nobility and knights left to search for their own purposes. While on the trip, he came upon the ruins of an ancient city and disappeared. After a year had passed, he was dead, and the whole kingdom mourned the passing of legendary heroes.
Hundreds of years have passed, and rumors of a new knight appearing on Bermesiah Empire spread across the continent. The man was admitted as a hero who had long lost, Sieghart, and presented himself in the capital Kanavan.
While traveling through an ancient relic of a long-gone empire, he was attacked by a huge demon and put into a state of near death. Seeing his state, Highlander gods revived him and trained with their soldiers make him immortal. He is now leaving to join the Grand Chase.
Ascendant and his followers as an evil empire Bermesiah the attack, his resolve is stronger than ever.
"You just signed your death warrant."
"If I were you I'd walk away while you still have your legs attached."
"No one has fought me and lived!"
"Let's get this going."
"Hey, kid! Class is in session."
"Heheheheheheh... So you're here to pick a fight with a legend?"
"Show me whatchu got"
When Attacking
"Come on!"
"Eat this!"
"This is the end!"
Stance Change
"Heavy Smash!"
"Adrenaline Attack!"
Rage Mode
"Soul Break!"
"Iron Crusher!"
"Flame Sword!"
"Flame Sword!"
"Grinding Punisher!"
"Soul Extinction!"
"Mortal Fear!"
"Savage Attack!"
"Punisher Combo!"
"Fire Blaster!"
"Illusion Attack!"
"Rule Break!"
"Rising Weapon!"
"Dread Punisher!"
"Power Liberation!"
"Highlander Assault!"
"Soul Edge!"
"Unlimited Blade!"
"Birth of Blades!"
"Yeah, you should just go ahead and attack if you have the courage."
"Why so serious?"
"Come on, at least give me a challenge."
"What are you doing, noob?"
"Aw, come on! I've got better things to do."
"Need a break?"
"Was that it?"
"Prepare to die!"
"Ugh! Yup, yup, it's about time for me to start."
"Uwhuh! That's nothing."
Game End
"Too easy!"
"Not just anyone can be a legend..."
"So how does it feel to fight with a legend?"
"Wow, you managed to live!"
"Are you frightened by me? This is only the beginning."
"Did you really just try challenging me?"
"I've waited three hundred years to finish this fight."
Source : Gcindonesiawikia
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