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Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Download Wifi Manager Premium V3.6.0.5 Build 3 Final​ Apk No Ads

Wifi Manager Premium V3.6.0.5 Build 3 Final​ Apk adalah aplikasi terbaru dan terbaik untuk mengelola koneksi wifi yang ada di sekitar anda ketika anda menggunakan Hp Android. Aplikasi yang satu ini akan memaksimalkan koneksi wifi yang ada sehingga anda bisa lebih lancar ketika browsing di internet menggunakan wifi tersebut. Memang di setiap Hp Android sudah ada fitur manage wifi ini, tetapi fitur bawaan Hp tersebut sangatlah terbatas fiturnya. Berbeda ketika anda menggunakan Wifi Manager Premium Apk ini untuk mengelola koneksi wifi yang tersambung di Hp Android anda.

Aplikasi Wifi Manager Premium Apk ini akan secara otomatis memaksimalkan koneksi wifi yang ada dan juga memberikan data yang akurat tentang kekuatan sinyal wifi yang terhubung tersebut. Anda juga dapat dengan mudah berpindah dari koneksi wifi yang satu ke koneksi wifi lainnya dengan mudah dari widget aplikasi Wifi Manager Premium Apk ini. Apalagi disini kami membagikan versi premium dari Wifi Manager Premium Apk ini dengan gratis, sehingga semua fitur dapat akan anda dapatkan dengan gratis dan pastinya no ads atau tanpa iklan yang mengganggu.

Wifi Manager Premium V3.6.0.5 Build 3 Final apk is the latest and greatest applications to manage wifi connections that are around you when you use the Android phone. This one application will maximize existing wifi connection, so you can be more smoothly when browsing on the internet using the wifi. Indeed, in any existing Android phone wifi manage this feature, but the inherent features of its Hp, are limited. Unlike when you use Wifi Manager Premium apk to manage wifi connection that is connected on your Android phone.

Wifi Manager Premium apk application will automatically maximize existing wifi connection and also provide accurate data about the power of the connected wifi signal. You can also easily move from one wifi connection to the wifi connection more easily from the widget application is Wifi Manager Premium apk. Moreover, here we share premium version of Wifi Manager Premium apk is free, so all the features can be you get for free and certainly no ads or no ads annoying.

New and improved
“Material design” widgets (version 3.5).
A UI redesign (version 3.0): modern looking icons, swiping between list and radar views.
Assign your own descriptions and icons to individual WiFi networks – never forget what that “XYZ1234” network is;
Switch among your favorite networks with a single tap by using the WiFi Network Switcher widget. It will even enable WiFi if needed.
“Best network” to switch between different networks you may have around the house or office (off by default, enable in app settings);
Automatic switching between fixed and dynamic (DHCP) IP addresses (Android Settings in 2.* can’t do this);

What is New 3.5.0
Two new widget styles, “material design” like. The two “holo” widget styles are now free.
Android 5.*: Native Material theme, fixed static IP and proxy settings.

Link Download

Direct Link

Wifi Manager Premium V3.6.0.5 Build 3 Final​ Apk No Ads (1.3 Mb)


Wifi Manager Premium V3.6.0.5 Build 3 Final​ Apk No Ads (1.3 Mb)

Source : Gigapurbalingga

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