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Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Download Aplikasi Memata Matai Pacar – Phone monitor v1.38 Apk

Apakah anda memiliki pacar atau pasangan tetapi anda masih ragu dengannya yang mungkin masih bisa belum jujur dengan anda? Jika iya, maka kali ini admin gigapurbalingga akan membagikan sebuah aplikasi unik untuk anda para pasangan yang menggunakan android.Aplikasi Memata Matai Pacar ini sebenarnya tidak pas kalau disebut seperti itu, karena aplikasi ini harus terinstal di kedua android dan masing-masing android yang terinstal tersebut dapat mengetahui berbagai kegiatan dari android lainnya seperti sms, pesan facebook, riwayat panggilan, dan hal lainnya secara realtime. Aplikasi Memata Matai Pacar ini dinamakan Phone monitor v1.38 Apk.

Jadi dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini di Android anda dan pasangan anda, maka keduanya dapat saling mengetahui apa yang dilakukan oleh pacar masing-masing. Jadi ya seperti simbiosis mutualisme lah, he. Oke langung saja bagi anda yang sedang mencari Aplikasi Memata Matai Pacar anda silahkan langsung download Phone monitor v1.38 Apk ini dengan gratis di gigapurbalingga.

Do you have a girlfriend or spouse, but you still doubt him which may still be yet to be honest with you? If so, then this time admin gigapurbalingga will allot a unique application for your couples using spies android.Aplikasi Matai girlfriend is actually not fit if called like that, because this application must be installed on both android and each of the installed android can find a variety of activities from other android like sms, facebook messages, call history, and other things in realtime. Matai Spy Application this girlfriend called Phone monitor v1.38 apk.

So using this application on your Android and your spouse, then they are able to know what is done by their respective boyfriends. So yes, like symbiotic mutualism was, he. Okay langung just for those of you who are looking for your girlfriend Matai Spy App please direct download Phone monitor apk v1.38 is free on gigapurbalingga.

Phone monitor v1.38 Apk Features:
Both will see 50 CHARACTERs of every SMS that your love receive or send.
Both will see Call history of your partner (With names stored in his/her contact list).
Current location is recorded and saved in 30 minute interval to location / GPS history.
Location history is archived and shared for 2 weeks.
Both will see Facebook conversation statistics (Name and number of messages per day).
Both will see last message of each Facebook conversation.
Everything is in real-time. (Just few seconds after your partner receive call, SMS…)
Deleting of SMS or Call log doesn’t help, Couple Tracker is faster (There i no way how to hide activity or remove something (SMS, FB, Call))
One simple limitation: Mutual monitoring or nothing

What’s in this version :
Android 5.0 – Lollipop ready
Redesign and new layout of application & new logo of Couple Tracker
400% Faster synchronization (Live location synchronized every 5-15 minutes, calls/messages within 5-20 seconds)

Required : Android OS :2.2+

Link Download


Phone monitor v1.38 Apk (2.9 Mb)


Phone monitor v1.38 Apk (2.9 Mb)

Source : Gigapurbalingga

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